Carson rolled over today! I've been thinking he wasn't even close because he never even tries. Then today I put him on the ground while I made a shopping list and when I looked at him again he was on his tummy!

So I missed it the first time! But I do have to say Blogging has made me much better at keeping up on the things my kids do. I couldn't tell you how old Matthew and Mckenzie were when they rolled over (sad, I know), maybe with Alyssa I have it written down somewhere because she was the first. I can't believe how big Carson already is! I swear I was just complaining about being so big and pregnant and it was taking soooooo long. And now my little chump is rolling!!! Crazy how time flies when your a parent. Here are pictures I took of Carson rolling over (none of them are staged, I snapped as he was doing it!) Enjoy!

Ok he's getting ready (now that he has done it, every time I lay him down he starts rolling to his side so I had to snap fast)

This is where he lounges for a minute while he gets his strength (it's tough work!)

TA DA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!APPLAUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 comment:
Oh! He's such a cutie! I can't believe he's rollin over already...he still just seems so little! He looks SO much like Matthew...what cuties!
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