Monday, December 21, 2009

Busy Times...

We have been so busy the past 2 months that I haven't had time to post much. So I am adding so random pictures from the past few weeks. The first is we got the kids a kitten for Christmas. I wanted to get one that was ready right at Christmas, but this sweet little kitty caught my eye and was ready in the middle of November. I put her in a box and had the kids open the box. They were so surprised since Justin has always said NO WAY to a cat. But he loves us so much he let us :)
The kids named her Pepsi....It just proves our drinking habits :) She is a Tortie color and is so sweet. I haven't got a picture of her face yet but it is cool looking.
Alyssa told me that every birthday candle and every star she as ever seen she has wished for a kitten and now it came true. I found her laying on my bed watching TV with Pepsi cuddled on her and she said that it was her dream to lay in bed and watch TV with a cat. She makes me laugh.
Matthew and Mckenzie holding Pepsi
Alyssa and Claire holding Pepsi
Carson is the funniest with her. He just goes and grabs her anywhere to carry her. It is pretty funny. But Pepsi is pretty nice about it, good thing :)
Justin looks thrilled...doesn't he??
Mckenzie had Indian day at Preschool. They got a cool gift and face painting. They also all brought something to share for their Thanksgiving feast!
I'm so proud!
Me and the Young Women and leaders decorated a tree for the Festival of Trees this year. Our tree sold for $250 all going to Primary Children's Medical Center. We had so much fun we want to do a large tree next year. The theme on our tree was "Picture this...The Cure" and we focused the tree on female cancers.
This was my picture of the week of Carson. He has been getting every one's boots lately and putting them on his arms and walking around. I got the camera out to take his picture and he immediately looked at me and said "CHEESE"
Who is Carson looking at so mesmerized???
Santa Clause!!
He is our first kid that has sat on Santa's lap the first time and not cried!! He loved him. He was telling Santa to give him High Fives and Knuckles.
Mckenize was really good too. She told him everything she wanted. The sad thing is we are going backwards. Alyssa and Matthew both would not sit on his lap. Alyssa....Of course...She's totally too old for Santa (sarcasm) and Matthew was in line and told me he had to go get something and wouldn't get back in line. I think he was embarrassed because his friend that was there wasn't going up to sit on his lap. Oh well. I think I am caught up now. Now I can post Christmas in a few days!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Beautiful Girls...

Alyssa and Mckenzie had their Christmas dance recital last night and they were so cute. I can't help myself, but these 2 have got to be the most beautiful girls!! I'm not proud or anything :)
Mckenzie danced to Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. She tried to do a pose but I think she has ADD and can't keep attention long enough for the flash to hold the cute pose we did. :)
Here are the 3 hoodlums. Alex, Alyssa and Abby. They Danced to some hip hop Christmas remix. They all did such a good job!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Makenzie Rye

I was told this morning about a friend of mines little baby girl. She was diagnosed with SMARD = spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress the week before Thanksgiving. Her diaphragm was paralyzed and she could not breath on her own anymore. Well their precious little baby passed away Sunday after they had to make the hardest decision of their lives and take her off the ventilator. With SMARD they don't expect children to live past 1. They had to choose to either let her live and watch her deteriorate or let her pass peacefully. I have read through her blog and just cried. I know that they are going to need all the prayers to get through this that they can. Her blog is I can even imagine the pain of losing a child. My prayers are with them!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

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