On to the splitting.... Our ward that we have been in for 6 years split on Sunday. We didn't know it was coming. Justin and I have known that if our ward ever split we would be gone cause we are all the way on the end of the line. We have the best ward ever, I have been worried about ever moving because I didn't want to leave our ward. Our home was just a starter home and we did want to find another home that we could get more features that we wanted. We tried to even move closer west into our ward to avoid ever being split out and it fell through. (that house is now split out with us) The most heartbreaking thing about all this is to watch my kids. Alyssa and Matthew took it really hard. We all know Alyssa cries, but Matthew is not a big cryer, He broke down. We even told them in a very positive way. It is going to be very hard and different. We have to move to a new building and are not even in the same ward name. I will miss everyone so much. I hope that I will still see everyone and that it won't seem to change too much.
9 years ago
Cute pics! So are you in the ward I was in before???
Merry Christmas!
Yeah! This really sucks, but we'll still be friends!
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