We just got home from the hospital.
Mckenzie & Matthew had to get their tonsils out today! They have been excited about this day since last week. When we got to the hospital, they just played and laughed.
Mckenzie's surgery was first. So when we got back in the room she got her vitals checked and changed into her gown. Then they gave her this amnesia medicine that makes you so loopy. She was hilarious! about 5 minutes after they gave her the medicine she started giggling at everything. She kept taking pictures with my phone and laughing. When the anaesthesiologist came in she even took pictures of him.
Mckenzie climbed right into the wagon and the anaesthesiologist wheeled her away and they told a story on the way down the hall about a princess and a kitty. The doctor came in after the surgery and said she did really well. She fell right asleep and they were done in 20 minutes.

Just before the doctor came in to talk to us about
Mckenzie, they got Matthew's vitals and changed him and gave him his "loopy" medicine. We couldn't tell as easy on him if it was working because Matthew is already a funny (loopy) boy! I asked him if he could see 2 of me and he said no, then he started crossing his eyes and saying there's 2 of everything! So I could tell it had taken effect because he started getting giggles too while crossing his eyes.

Matthew did the same as
Mckenzie and jumped right in the wagon before the anaesthesiologist had a chance to check his heart! He was ready to go. So unsuspecting! After they took him back we were taken to a recovery room and waited for them to bring us

When they brought her in, she was screaming. They told us it was normal, but it was so sad. She kept crying "I want to go home". It's sad because they said that kids act like this because they can't process the effect of the anaesthesia the way an adult can, so they don't understand why they don't know where they are. She finally calmed down and the shot the doctor gave her after surgery kicked in and she fell asleep.

Matthew took a little longer to come out of the anaesthesia. When they brought him in, he just kept wanting to sleep. So he did awesome, until we got to the car and he threw up all over the curb. Then on the way home he threw up some more. Now they are home and doing good, just relaxing. Hopefully now they will sleep better at night.
they look hilarious, isn't medication make your kids look silly, I love it!
I am glad you found my blog! I can't believe Alyssa is 9. We just lived in those lame apartments together, didn't we?!?!?!? ;-)
Your new background looks great! You figured it out! Zo has never been that medicated...how funny!
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