So I just have to say that I shouldn't try to leave my house with 4 kids. I don't know what the difference between 3 kids to 4 kids is, but there is a significant difference!! We went to the Gateway Mall today with Alyssa's girl scout troop to do build-a-bear and play in the fountains. I didn't have a babysitter, so of course I had to take all my kids with me. So I had my 4 plus helping watch 8 other girls. This is Mckenzie at the end of the fountains wanting to go home.

We go to build-a-bear first and Matthew and Mckenzie actually behaved very well, I was proud of them. Then we went and got drinks for everyone (it was SO hot). This picture is of Alyssa at the end after she was hit in the neck with a jet of water. (drama)

Matthew was the one not crying and having a good ole' time in the fountains. So after we get drinks everyone splits up. Danette (the leader) with 5 of the girls to take their bears to the car and get towels. Karla (the mom who came with us) with her 2 girls to get their things from their car. And me. I had everything. So now I am alone with all 4 of my kids in a busy shopping center!

Carson was in good spirits too. I am trying to find the way to the ground floor. I go to these elevators that look like they only go to the parking garages. I ask a lady where they go who tells me what I was thinking. I ask her how I get down to the main level, she points me in the direction of the escalators (mind you I have a huge stroller). I think maybe there is a elevator over there.

So I get over to the escalators, of course there is no elevator over there. By this time my kids are losing attention, I am not going to walk around the whole place to find an elevator. So I tell Alyssa to go in front of me to hold the front of the stroller and I will hold the back so we can go down the escalator. She starts freaking out and keeps putting her foot on the escalator and taking it off, (she is scared of escalators, I remember this after she is already making a scene) she gets on and is now on her way down before she could hold on to the stroller, I am saying "Alyssa grab the stroller!" she is already to far to reach and tries to come back up but it is obviously moving, and she trips and hits her knee!

She starts SCREAMING! and sits on the stair as it continues down. So Mckenzie sees that she is sitting and thinks that is how you go down so she sits and is now heading down, I am yelling "STAND UP MCKENZIE!!" thinking she is going to get pinched at the bottom if she doesn't hurry up. I can't leave my baby at the top and run after them! People are staring at me like I am a joke and not helping. A security guard finally comes and asks if he can help (Yeah that would be nice!) he goes down and gets my girls (Matthew is walking up & down the middle regular stairs)

I get the stroller down and the guy says Alyssa is bleeding pretty good and he can't bandage her but can give me stuff. Alyssa is Screaming even more because she is bleeding all over (any of you that know Alyssa know that she is a DRAMA QUEEN!) Then the security guard tells me he has to file a report because she got hurt on "Gateway" property. Can anything else happen?!

So Danette is waiting for me this whole time over at the fountains and has no clue where we are or why we are taking so long. We finally get over there and explain everything.

The kids did have a lot of fun once we got over to the fountains. I just need to keep myself locked up in my house until school starts!!
Maybe we could try this again someday!! When they are all older!
1 comment:
Love your blog! I'm glad that Becky or Claire didn't cause enough trouble to be mentioned by you.lol
I guess I'll have to give the blog thing a try.
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