So the storm I talked about the wind blowing in started this day. It was weird because it misted all day, not rain, just mist. You could not see the Hollywood hills around us. It was misting so much that I was hardly able to get out my camera because it would get wet with mist. I
swear I took a picture out in front of the big globe in front of Universal Studios! Oh well. We got a few pictures this day.

Justin and Troy were our stroller/wheelchair pushers. They had to put the strollers in the pictures. Look at Carson's face in the stroller. It cracks me up. He was waving and all excited, but when we got up close he freaked out.

Dora the Explorer!

I think this was in a different spot when I came years ago!

Why didn't he continue to eat? :) j/k

Nothing like a wholesome Simpson town! It was starting to mist so bad at this point that we had to buy ponchos. It would just bead up on surfaces and get you really wet.
Ahhhh the highlight of our day! The tour. I am not kidding when I say that from starting waiting in line until the end of the ride was 2 1/2 hours long!!! Yeah I guess that the misting was causing the tour buses to have some troubles coming up the hills, so since we were kind of covered, we took pictures of the line! The sad part was that Justin's dad couldn't go on this one with his back since it has an earth quake part so he was waiting at the end for us the whole time in his wheelchair!

We ate all of our snacks that we brought with us in the line.

I would not recommend standing in this line for more than 30
mins. It is cool but not 2 hours cool!

More waiting :)

But we got these cool 3-D glasses for part of the tour. It was the coolest part. You went into this building and it is a 360 degree 3-D show of King Kong! And the whole tram moves while the monkey and dinosaur are fighting. We really were in Gorillas in the Mist, with all the misting :)

Carson being entertained while waiting more.

Finally on the tour bus!

Ready to roll!

Cool special effects that they showed us.

This was creepy. This guy was walking around all weird and then brought out a body and then ran toward us. This was where they filmed
Sico I guess.

And last but not least, the scene from War of the Worlds. Now you have the tour and don't need to stand in line :)
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