If you need a laugh for the day, here it is. Alyssa needed me to upload her memory card to the computer. We didn't look through the pictures until we loaded them. I don't know why it struck me so funny, but it sure made me laugh!
Mckenzie got a hold of Alyssa's camera and went around the house taking random pictures. So let me walk you through them. The top she of course needs to start out by introducing the photographer.

Here we have Carson playing in his room.

The big blue ball in Carson's room.

Part of Carson. Maybe she was trying to pose him?

The oh so close up

Don't forget the

I'm so glad my house was clean

Our vent that keeps us warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

A dirty sock

Don't leave
Walmart out

Yes I'm rich a $50...oh wait it's monopoly money

Weird feet shot

K this one is actually good. I am raising one dang good photographer. I hope you smiled!
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