The last day before we went home, we went to the beach for one last beach day. I dug a deep hole for the kids to play in. By the time we were getting ready to go the tide was up to the hole. I was standing in it with my back to the ocean helping one of the babies come down the stairs I had built and a huge wave came and hit us and filled the hold part way and knocked us over. It was kind of funny.

Here is the inside view. It was a pretty deep hole for digging by hand. The kids had fun playing in it.

Alyssa was having a lot of fun playing in all the waves. There were a few that knocked her under.

I thought this picture was funny of Matthew playing on the beach.


The hole before we were done digging it out.

After the beach Justin and I drove out to Danya Point with the kids. This is looking out in the boat harbor. I think Justin is saying a prayer :)

The kids didn't think it was that cool for drive time it took :)

On the way home, we broke up the drive again and stayed in St. George for the night. We decided to go swimming for a little while before we drove the rest of the way home.

Matthew and
Mckenzie were jumping in and out over and over :)

Carson loved jumping in too.

Justin was a party
pooper and didn't swim with us...oh well "every party has a poop and that's why we invited you, party
pooper!" He just took the pictures. :) That was our Vacation! We had a good time and loved being there with friends. Thanks again for the invite!!
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