Since I haven't updated for so long, I
guess I need to start with where my pictures ended :) Alyssa turned 11 this year....11!!! Wow, I guess I can officially say, I'm old! I cannot believe she is almost in 6
th grade. She is growing up so fast. So her thing this year, since before Christmas has been that she wants a cell phone. I was totally against it! She asked for one for Christmas and was so bummed when I told her not to count on it. So continuing on....Here she is with her friends getting ready to east
ice cream cake. Instead of having cake and ice cream, she decided she wanted ice cream cake. Kill two birds with one stone right?

She gets so
embarrassed and covers her mouth like that whenever she does.

The girls thought it would be fun to shove the cake in
their faces. But they didn't realize it would stain
their face :)

Alyssa has been asking for a lava lamp too. Her friend Avery got her one! She was so happy.
Ok for the next picture, remember the story at the beginning.........

I got her a cell phone! I am such a
rock star mom!! I can't believe I did it still. And by the way, this picture is staged. She knew the day before that she was getting one :) (notice the stain on her nose from the frosting) She has been really good with the phone. It has been nice to be able to call her instead of walking down to her room :) j/k But really it has been nice to be able to get a hold of her after school and know where she is. She has been such a good helper for me. She helps me out all the time. I love this girl so much!!
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