Some friends our ours took us Wake
Boarding the last weekend in August. We had a blast. We went to Utah Lake in a part that was called "mud lake" and it was muddy. It was only about 5 feet deep or less and when you stood, you stood in "spa like" mud. My feet loved it! Alyssa and Matthew both tried the wake board. Matthew got up but was going in a squatting position because he wouldn't stand up straight. Alyssa got up for a sec and then fell. She waited awhile and tried again a little later. I posted a video at the bottom of how AWESOME she did!!

Here's me after falling

We got to get in a swim around for a little bit.

See how nice and pretty the water was :)

Here I am being AWESOME :)

Carson didn't like the life jacket so much
Mckenzie laying down on the floor of the boat. This picture should be flipped.


More swimming in the mucky water

Here is Matthew trying to Wake board. This is after he fell.

Alyssa waiting to be picked up after falling

Justin hanging out in the water

Carson crashed and slept underneath the driver seat for about 2 hours! The kids loved hanging out on the lake. Here is a video of Alyssa after she got the hang of wake boarding.
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