Where did March go?? Oh maybe it got cut off with my Mckenzie's HAIR!! I have been home from Hawaii for 1 week trying to find time to blog about it and Mckenzie gives me something else to blog about first. She decided while I was getting my hair done that she would be her own barber.

She had a ponytail in and by the looks of if started taking out sides and cutting, leaving the oh so loved Mullet (Business up front, party in the back) or maybe she was going for the tail look, you know when boys (not mine) grown their hair out long and then cut everything but a tail.

She walked out to where we were doing my hair and grabbed the back of her hair, which came out in her hands, and said "mom, my hair is falling out!" At first I didn't know what she was talking about. Then I saw it! I didn't know how to react. My friend's sister was there doing my hair, Do I beat the child to a bloody pulp in front of witnesses?? I think I was more shocked, I didn't feel like I could yell either. I asked her were the scissors were, she just kept saying, "I didn't cut my hair" LITTLE LIAR!! I wanted to yell. "yes you did, now show me where the scissors are" She finally showed me and they were on the piano. But no hair around. I started walking around the house trying to find "the hair" on the way finding pieces in a trail. I went in her room and saw a little more by the bottom off her bed. Then I lifted up the bed skirt and there it was...........................

This is the pile I found spread out under her bed.

So luckily since I was getting my hair cut there was already someone there to fix it.

Here is the back after the first snips.

This just shows how short some of the pieces are that are sticking out of the already short hair.

Melissa did a really good job fixing it. It really is cute. I have been on the fence about cutting her hair like this and she just pushed me over.

All done!
Now I can post our Hawaii trip!
Wow! I was just thinking it could have been WAY worse! She could have cut her some ultra short bangs or something! :) I really like her new hair do! It is super cute!
oh poo...that is my biggest fear with Elle! I worry that she will cute her beautiful long hair. But the new hair cute is WAY cute!
How was Hawaii? (you went already right?)
HAHA! At least it turned out cute. I thought you would have learned to keep the sissors away from your kids after the Mathew church incident. :)
OMG I would be furious too!! But the girl did a great job on her hair, the last photo is SO cute!
Ooooh, I am just waiting for this one! But it turned out SO cute!
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