***LOST DOG***Dakota is missing. Those of you that know me know that my dog an I have a love/hate relationship. I HATE this dog...but yet since she's been missing, I've been obsessed with finding her. I am worried sick! We noticed she was missing about 4pm yesterday, but Alyssa said she ran out the door when a lady came to pick something up at 1pm. So she has almost been gone 24 hours. I drove the neighborhoods last night calling and whistling for her. I finally drove down the busy road to check the sides of the street.
This dog has been the biggest pain and also the best thing for our family.
She tears things up if you leave her in the house (
separation anxiety). She won't go in a dog house/run if you put a juicy steak in there. She would rather sit in pouring rain/blizzards then go into shelter. She ripped apart my mom's bathroom (see earlier post). She broke out of a dog carrier, the door was pushed diagonal against the wall (wish I would have taken a picture) and we had to take it apart to get the door back on and it wasn't even bent!
We built a dog run for her and she gets out of that thing within 5 seconds of putting her in. She has dug holes in my yard. She has ruined my grass. We have had her on a lead since she won't stay in the dog run and she pulls and pulls until her collar slips off then just sits on the porch to wait for us to come home. We finally had to tighten her collar next to choking level to keep it on her. Before we tightened it she would go into the open dog run and jump over the top, basically hanging herself so that she could slip out of the collar. That was before she figured out she could just pull.

But then there are the times when she just comes to you and wants to make you feel better when you are sad. She is so good with my kids and they love her. She loves the baby, always trying to lick him, even though I stop her, Carson loves it. It was so weird to lock up the house last night and not have her there. It feels different. I never thought I would ever feel this way about her. I would always joke about how maybe she would run away and then we wouldn't have to deal with her issues anymore. But I know something else happened because really this dog would not run away. And I say this because one time when she got out of her dog run, she tried to chew her way into the house by chewing the rubber at the bottom of the garage door! What dog tires to get in the house? I thought they want to get out.

If anyone sees her, please let me know. We miss her!