A couple weeks ago we were at Justin's parents house for dinner. We were all talking in the living room, My sister in law's were talking about when they stopped believing in Santa, DUNDUNDUNNNNNN( melodramatic sound)!!! Alyssa is sitting very quietly on the floor playing with Carson. No one knew she was in there. I was like, you guys shhhhh Alyssa is sitting right there! She really didn't look like she was paying attention, but I KNEW she heard. So nothing was said of it. And it sat.
So Monday night we were driving home and Justin is teasing the kids about something and says something about Santa. Alyssa lowers her voice and says, "he's not real". It caught Justin off guard so he turned and was like "What did you say" I think it may have intimidated her even though that was not the intention. She seemed a little more reluctant to answer and said it again quieter. Me and Justin looked at each other and I said I knew she heard! Justin says "where did you hear that?" She says, "everyone was talking about it at Grandma's." So we told her we would talk about it later. She seemed fine. So I talked with her about it and she was good. She did say to me, "so you lied." I said, "No, remember the time you asked about how Santa gets in and I told you he uses imagination?" And she goes, "OHHHHH" like she was putting it all together. So BOOOO to growing old!!!!!! and BOOOOOO to Grandma's house where she had to learn the HARD truth!!