Labor Day weekend we were invited to go to the Boulders with my Dad's family. We had a lot of fun! It was a short trip but the kids love camping. Me and my sister Becky took the 4 hour drive with us and 4 kids. Matthew and Justin were at the
BYU game and were going to join us later. Here are the kids while we were driving. Don't they look excited, well
Saphira does in the back :)

Alyssa went for a ride on the 4-wheeler with my Uncle Scott and was able to get some pictures with scenery it it :)

It was so pretty, I forgot to take my camera out for a lot of it. I regret that.

Alyssa by the Boulders :)

Kim took Matthew for a ride. He loved it. She took him up to the boulders and he was able to stack the rocks, they stay stacked, it is weird.

Alyssa again by some scenery

At the campground
Mckenzie. She got burned on the last night. There was a pit that had coals in it for the dutch oven and me being the good mom I am, had her in flip flops and she walked right in it. Luckily we had some
EMT's there :) But when we got home we could see that the part that was really bad was never treated because no one could see it in the dark. It is healing now but probably would look at little better if we would have seen it sooner.

Carson eating some yummy chocolate cookies
Mckenzie getting her helmet on to go on the 4-wheeler. She loved it. All of the kids did!

Justin and Alyssa
Carson wanted to drive it :)

Carson by the mini lake. It was swampy and just for fishing.

My Cousin Jesse's twins

Matthew was
sooooo excited to shoot the guns!

Zach helped him get everything going :)

I don't think you can see very well but there are like 20 little frogs in this picture that all the kids caught. Then when we were ready to go back to camp they released them.

Oh My! You can tell we were camping! Look at that messy face. No point in cleaning it off :)

What a Ham!

Carson and
Mckenzie loved these Twins! They were so cute.

Campfire time!

Carson wanted to roast a marshmallow. :) We had a lot of fun for the short time we were there and are excited to go more!