I am finally posting pictures of Hawaii!! I had my wave of three...Mckenzie cut her hair, My computer hard drive fried, and my Lawn mover broke yesterday....So that is why it has taken so long to post this. I am sorry this is going to be very long because I don't want to have something else happen and not get everything posted. At the bottom of this I put a slide show of Big Island Images. So the first picture is Justin getting me lei after we landed.

Here we are all tired from the flight with my lei! I was so excited to get leied!! :)

This bridge is made out of lava rocks

We went to the shopping center down the street from the resort the first day and walked back and there were so many pretty picture spots

I know, I'm a dork!

The resort had hammock's right next to the ocean that you could just relax in

I didn't realize that the big island is one big volcano, I knew there was a volcano on it. So it is lava rock all over, and white coral washes up on the shore and people take the coral and write words on the sides of the highway. Someone had already wrote Ash, so I made Justin take my picture by it.

Justin had fun with all the statues around the resort :)

Here is what most of the beaches looked like on the island

This is the Lagoon on the resort that you can snorkel in

This is just so we can remember where we stayed...since it seems like a dream now!

This is behind the waterfall in the Lagoon

Me and my friend Shayla. She works with Justin and earned the trip too. We were watching the Dolphins do tricks behind us

We went and saw the Kona temple, it was very pretty...on the slide show you will see these UGLY spiders that were all over the temple in the front. It was gross!

Us on the temple grounds

This is by the Kona Inn, a restaurant we ate at.

We went down on the rocks and the tide was out, so all these sea creatures were trapped until the tide came back in. Justin picked up a sea cucumber.

This is at the Kona Inn, that is the best pinacolada I have ever had!

This is us at the Tacky Tourist dinner. We didn't even make the finals. I was mad so I didn't take any other pictures of this dinner. :)

Justin sitting in the Lagoon after snorkeling

There's the Lagoon

What a nice day!

I think these gold fish thought we were going to feed them. We would go to the side of the pool and they would all swim over and there mouths were as big as quarters opening and closing. They let you pet them

This is an inactive lava tube. It doesn't look that big right now but in the next picture you can tell how big it is

Justin and Shayla's husband Aki walked through the tube and ended up about 200 yards out on the land

Our bus driver told us just to change letters on words so that you didn't have to make a whole new one, so I found one that said J+D and changed the D to an A.

I don't know why this picture turned sideways

Me and Justin at his awards dinner

Justin and his co-workers Tom and Shane

Justin and his boss Monique

Me and Monique

Monique, JoD, Me and Justin

Justin with his president's club award

Me and Corina (Tom's wife)

Me, Justin, Aki and Shayla

Me and Shay

Justin and Tom getting ready to boogie board

This picture is to prove that I went this far in the ocean...that wave came and I was out of there!

Laying out on the one of the white sand beaches on the island (Hapuna)

It was such a nice day for a burn

Donkey Balls....that's all I am going to say....come on, it's chocolate cover macadamia nuts! :)

This is a tree in Kona. A guy told us that they have a forest of them in Honalulu and it is dark in there

I didn't zoom this piture it very much, but the milk was $8.39 on the resort....but you could go to Walmart and get a deal at $4.50 a gallon!

We ate at this resturant called KCP where you had to dress up. Justin and I shared a meal and got these spring rolls, which were $14 and they were the size you get at Panda Express....Our main dish was a 10 oz rib eye 3 spears of asparagus and a spoonful of garlic mashed potatoes and we drank water and our bill was $75. It was crazy!! But the good thing was, Justin's work gave us $100 toward food on the resort and we had $50 left, so we only had to pay $25.

Here we re all dressed up for dinner...see the tiki torches behind us, they had a guy that was only in a short skirt thing and a garland on his head run the whole resort at sunset with a torch lighting all the tiki torches lining the walk ways and blowing a horn while he did it. It was funny.

This bridge crosses over one of the pools at the resort. Justin thought it would be funny to shake it.

This is on the way driving to the other side of the island which is the wet or greener side. This is how it looks at first

Then it gets thicker

And thicker

Until there is green all over. It was way cool, like an invisiable line

On the east or wet side of the island

The view out on the east side

It was desolate on the west side and over here it was rain forests! We were told that the Big Island is one of the olny places in the world that has all 13 climates